"Yes we want our 2.0K/D but how do you aspect us to be a great feared clan that have great teawork and are able to win any game if we dont even play together, practice or even know what map will be our gb map! im not saying we cant play rank! but we must play some custom games to figure out what map will represent iCu and how we can use our berks as a team! such as: Ring of Life = a teamwork berks. Playing more custom as a team means getting to know each other better and understand each other game style.We can do damage with these attacks and use them like no other clan is able to do. We have skills and talent so let use them. i say lets be respect more than feared, BUT is it to much to ask for both? I dont think so! More effort guys! NOTE:-->(EVERYONE GOT A CHANCE FOR A STARTING POSITIVE) [Forever/Strong[iCu] -REGISTER NOW!!